Therapeutic Fascial Mobility



Ricardo, our Wellness Coach, Master Personal Trainer, Chronic Pain Self-Management Health Coach and Therapeutic Fascial Mobility specialist, assists clients with variety of physical conditions and proprioceptive awareness needs.

We provide home & office mobile services for individuals with mobility, transportation and time limitations. For those wanting a quiet, private and a safe space, Ricardo provides treatments at our Studio.


Therapeutic Fascial Mobility (TFM) – A combination of effective techniques that include range of motion assessment, flexibility, muscle deactivation and activation, movement applications and more, including the best techniques of FST (Fascial Stretch Therapy), MAT (Muscle Activation Techniques), and FRC (Functional Range Conditioning).

Objectives and benefits of Therapeutic Fascial Mobility treatment:

  • Assess and identify the difference between immobility and instability and over utilization and dominance in one plane of motion
  • Create a systematic client individualized program designed to overcome existing muscle imbalances, movement errors and joint centricity
  • Increase and improve poor Range of Motion and restore flexibility, joint mobility, joint stability and function (assist poor muscle elasticity and spring-back)
  • Release Myofascial Adhesion (diminish tension, pain and assist short, tight, stressed tissue)
  • Rehabilitate Injury (scar tissue limitations and assistance to regenerating new tissue support)
  • Activate Muscles (stimulate tissue, promote blood circulation and proprioceptive awareness)
  • De-activate Over-stimulated Tissue
  • Apply a systematic individualized flexibility program designed to overcome existing muscle imbalances.
  • Improve and restore muscle, joint, joint stability and function.
  • Improve functional performance and quality of life for again adults by encouraging usable mobility.
  • Stimulate active recovery.
  • Help to prevent overuse injury and recover from high intensity training.
  • Reduce symptoms of chronic pain.
  • To reduce lifestyle and sport related injury through improvement of nervous system reactivity
  • Improve digestion through light blood flow to used muscles
  • Improve loading and coordination, particularly at end range (remove “dead zone”)
  • Improve movement economy and efficiency (usable mobility promoting Fascial Fitness


Contact us to get started on a healthier road to better mobility, less tension and pain, and most importantly, more proprioceptive awareness (body sense – kinesthetic awareness) to ensure a more enjoyable lifestyle.

We provide special discount packages for individuals interested in weekly treatment, and offer custom Gift Certificates. In addition, Ricardo provides individual and group workshops focused at learning self-Myofascial release and Trigger Point techniques for self care.

Feel free to contact us for further information, rates and schedule availability.